a space to be lovingly seen.
a space to be truly heard.
a space to be your full self.
Sometimes, what you need most is someone who can truly see you. Someone who holds space without judgment, who listens with intention, and who creates a sanctuary where you can simply be. These sessions are an invitation to slow down and reconnect with your inner truth. To express freely, feel deeply, and explore what’s alive within you—whether it’s healing from the past, tending to the present, or making space for what’s to come.
In a world that often asks you to hold so much for others, Deep Listening Sessions are a space for you to be held. While truly for everyone, I have found they can be especially nourishing for the nurturers, the space holders, and the ones who long to be met with the same care they give.
Each session is a co-creative space, shaped by your needs and intentions. You might come to:
Feel heard, sharing what’s on your heart and mind without the need to filter or explain.
Find clarity, exploring what’s present and discover insights waiting to emerge.
Heal, gently processing what’s been carried, opening space for release and renewal.
Reclaim your truth, reconnecting with the essence of who you are beneath the noise of life.
Ultimately, these sessions are simply about witnessing, feeling, and allowing—no need to fix or solve.
“Deep Listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help them to empty their heart... one hour like that can bring about transformation and healing.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Inside a Session:
Deep Listening sessions are 60-minutes or 90-minutes in length and may be accompanied by guided meditation, somatic (body) tracking and gentle nervous system support along with collaborative sharing of insights, questions and reflections, depending on your intention and unique needs.
Given the nature of these sessions, Deep Listening experiences are held with reverence in 1:1 containers and are intuitively-led. Please note that these sessions are not therapy and are more-so rooted in the practice of embodied mindfulness.
Greater self-connection and attunement to your present moment experience
The cultivation of a greater felt-sense of safety within the body and nervous system
The gentle and natural release of emotions, unhelpful patterns and conditioned ways of being and thinking
Deep relaxation, embodied peacefulness and an expanded level of acceptance
Empowered awareness and aligned, authentic personal growth
*Deep Listening sessions are process-oriented and offered as stand-alone experiences, but lasting positive impact is often created and revealed over time. if you wish to receive deep listening sessions on a consistent basis, I am happy to create a personal container series for you.
What brings you to booking a session will be unique to you. Your intention will subtly direct and inform the energy of our session and carry influence into your life, so I highly recommend giving yourself time to clarify your why.
Some people come prepared to explore very personal experiences, others remain open to what wishes to be revealed in the moment. However you arrive, rest easy knowing there is no right or wrong way to experience a Deep Listening session.
Arriving to your session well nourished (fed, hydrated, rested and regulated) will support the flow of our session.
While no two sessions are exactly alike, they are supported by an energetic framework that allows for us to flow in compassionate presence.
Typically, the space will be opened with a brief, guided meditation to ground in and connect. We may begin by exploring your intentions verbally or engage in simple practice for settling your system and tuning into your experience via the body.
From that point forward, we will simply allow the natural unfolding of our time together.
After your session, I will offer simple self-care reminders and tips for the days to come. I recommend being gentle and giving yourself some space to simply be before returning to your day-to-day life.
A nourishing meal, a warm bath, or some time out in nature are all beautiful ways to honor what you have explored and unearthed.
To support you in the process of integrating what comes through during your session, you will receive an email within a few days of your session that includes any resources that may have come up during the session as well as additional insights or tools that I am intuitively guided to share unless you request otherwise.
It is normal to experience an increase in emotional sensitivity after your session. If you are met with any inner content that you need additional support with, you are welcome to reach out.
Amidst seasons of change and transition
Heightened or prolonged period of uncertainty or undesired aimlessness
When seeking clarity on your life’s path, your values and your true desires
When preparing for or integrating a plant medicine ceremony or other consciousness-expanding experience (such as transcendental-style breathwork, ketamine treatments, etc)
Moments of contraction or expansion where greater internal resourcing and nervous system regulation is needed
During personal, occupational or relationship challenges and/or growth periods
When you’re ready to release resistance to what is, restore response-ability and create space for your true nature to flow.
First time sitting with me or unsure if this is the most aligned space for you? feel welcome to schedule a complimentary resonance call before booking.